Thursday, January 19, 2012

A bit of reading, in case you haven't. Most of you likely know about and have read Anne Lammot's Operating Instructions. No? You must. But only after the birth of your baby. (If you are planning.) Then there is Rad Dad, a collection of stories writen for the Zine of the same name. I bought this for Ben for Christmas. I can't wait till he is done with it, so I can read it. (Sh.) Enjoy!


  1. Operating Instructions sort of saved my life. I felt a bit destroyed after Zoe's birth and this book helped me see some of the incredible beauty that I was missing.

  2. Rad Dad looks well, rad. Going to have to get that for my man.

  3. Operating Instructions is the best. I read it while pregnant and it scared the sh*t out of me, and then I re-read it when I was in the throes of the post-partum whirlwind and it made me feel so much better. So recommended.

    1. hi ladies, just a thought... For us readers who would like to read through your experiences from pregnancies -> on, it might be helpful to have a timeline option somewhere :)
