The last few days have been a NIGHTMARE in our household. It all started the day of Cheech's birthday party. She was one unhappy baby, and the next day when I realized that her top front teeth, which had been hanging out right at the surface of her gums for months, had FINALLY broken through, it all made sense. We got a few days of normalcy after that, and BAM, she's been in total teething hell ever since.
On Saturday, it took 6 hours and two doses of Tylenol to get her fever to settle down. If I even tried to get near her with a cold compress, she would start screaming. We battled high temperatures for the rest of the night. By noon yesterday, her Easter dress was soaked through with drool. We went for a drive in the afternoon and she ended up having such an epic meltdown that Joe had to speed home, all while I tried to soothe her as she struggled to get out of her car seat and reached her arms out for me to hold her. By the time she was in bed last night, I was much too exhausted to drown my sorrows in a margarita. DO YOU KNOW HOW UNLIKE ME THAT IS?
She woke up at 5:45 this morning (very early for her), and started the day off in tears. I tried taking her out for some distraction, but it only seemed to make matters worse. By 10 am, after hours of constant crying and fussing, I gave up. I gave her some more Tylenol, started a Netflix marathon of Yo Gabba Gabba, and handed her her pacifier to suck on all she wanted. And then I cried.
I wish I had a better post for you today, but I simply do not currently have the mental capacity to think of anything besides my unhappy baby. I wish I had words of wisdom, but obviously I have no fucking clue what I'm doing here. This week has been about getting by and patiently waiting for all this to end, for Cheech to be her smiley, happy self again. On a more exciting note, she took her first steps on Saturday.
happy 2 b sad, via P
oh no! I totally feel for you. Jack has cut 4 teeth in last month and the one coming in now has been the worst. Poor little muffin has not slept in 3 days and is wildly crabby all day. Where did my little charmer go? I wish I had some sage advice for you, but it sounds like you are doing what you can. Maybe have that margarita? And remember that this too shall pass. Hopefully soon. best, Louise
ReplyDeleteThe all-consuming hell that is teething. My sympathies to you three dears.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about posts, just survive as best you can.
lots of hugs you guys.
ReplyDeletePoor baby and poor parents! Waiting is all you can do and it will be over before you know it. Keep up the good fight!
ReplyDeleteOh no! Poor Cheech - and poor YOU! :-(
ReplyDeleteI wish I had some words of wisdom, but as I'm not a mama, I'll just send some good juju your way and hope you get your tequila ASAP (and that Cheech feels better soon!).
Teething sucks so hard.
ReplyDeleteAs someone who is finally on the other side of the teething issues, I just want you to know it gets better. And be glad your nipples aren't involved.
I can't wait to see those new teeth and Cheechy taking steps!!
Does Cheech have a baltic amber teething necklace? I know, I know, maybe it is hippie nonsense, but I swear it works. Our son was a MESS with teething before we got him one and while we can still tell he is teething, I've seen a huge improvement. They say the lighter the better and raw is better over polished. It's worth a try.. Hugs for the crappy day Mama. http://hyenacart.com/inspiredbyfinn/mt/713/61965/13-to-14-inch-Raw-AmberLemonade
ReplyDeleteYou keep pulging along and give her the "Yo Gabba Gabba," and pacifier and whatever else she needs as comfort. And you get a drink or have a good cry or give yourself a virtual hug from me because Sweet Pea is teething right now (two top and botton busting out!) and know that I'm right there with you.
ReplyDeleteE is cutting some monster molars right now, but I'm with Hannah. The first teeth were by far the worst. It really does get better. Huge hugs to you all. And first steps?!?! Go Cheech! Ps- E has been talking about "Tcheetch" all week long. We miss you guys!
ReplyDeleteI'm a nursing student and have tried to find research to back up the amber necklace thing (and it hasn't been done so far as I can tell). But, I will say that two of my best friends run a childcare facility for a major university, so they see tons and tons of kids. Both of them swear up and down that the babies with the amber necklaces are far less fussy when it comes teething time than the babies without them. Might be worth a try?
ReplyDeleteOne thing that helps me is knowing these big things like teeth and especially walking or other milestones create big emotions, comparable to big adult emotions like getting married, or finishing a marathon, etc, and babies don't have a way to discharge besides melting and crying, so it actually sounds like your little lady is right on track and just taking care of releasing that energy. And its clear from your blog that you are a loving and totally in tune mama, so cry some, and then have that margarita!
ReplyDeletefirst steps all around!!!! Wolf took his first steps on Saturday, too!
ReplyDeleteoh man, being a baby is rough, right? Wolf just had 6 TEETH pop through all at one time last month and it was rough. I was like, my happy baby is always sad now!! then I discovered the culprit. have you tried the teething tablets? they seem to help Wolf a lot. and I gave him semi frozen pieces of mango, his favorite, as well as anything cold to gnaw on and play with, a metal spoon, a pot lid, one of those teething toys you put in the fridge, etc. the best part - once they're in, they're in! one thing I’ve been saying lately is that I'll miss Wolf being a baby but I sure as hell won't miss teeth and diapers. hugs to you friend.
teething is so frustrating--for babies and their parents. wish i had some words of wisdom for you but i think you are on the right track with the margarita. :)
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