Here's a quick question for you: At around what age did your little one start to show an interest in coloring? The reason I ask is because I was big-time into coloring when I was a kid. In fact, I still really enjoy pulling out a coloring book and coloring a few pages from time to time. I think it's such a fantastic activity for kids for so many reasons, and I've kind of been holding my breath waiting for Cheech to partake in all the fun. We took her out to Happy Hour a few nights ago, and when our hostess handed her some crayons and a paper menu to scribble on, I practically leaped out of my seat from excitement. If our hostess thinks Cheech is ready for some coloring, surely she must be. But, nope, not at all. As with everything else, she's still only concerned with eating crayons. C'est la vie.
Photo, davebias
We started this week with big (BIG) crayons...and you need a big (BIG) piece of paper ;)
ReplyDeleteoh, Alice is 11 months old.
ReplyDeleteThe girls are 16 months and crayons are still just food. Pens however are perfect for making marks on new sofas, fyi.
ReplyDeleteI think around 18 months he started scribbling with crayons, though he'd still try to eat them a little. Now at 20 months he'll request to color if he sees the crayons or his big coloring book and it is less often that he'll try to eat them. His attention span for it is still really short, which frustrates me because I also love to color. FYI - the washable crayons are good in theory but they just dissolve in a baby mouth and break really easily. I prefer to just give him the jumbo sized regular crayons and keep an eye on him so he doesn't color where he shouldn't.
ReplyDeleteMy niece started around 18mos, I think. It might have been the influence of her older brother, though. He's 5 now and LOVES colouring. Niece still occasionally sticks a crayon in her mouth (26months old), but it's getting more & more rare. She certainly is quick to grab a pen or marker, if there's one nearby, to colour on whatever surface is closest.
ReplyDeleteMy baby just turned one and has been coloring for maybe twoish months. I tape a piece of paper to the table and give her a handful of markers (it takes less effort to get a good swish of color, so she can get better results). She will sit and color for up to 20 minutes sometimes if I am sitting next to her working on something or her big sis is doing homework!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember exactly, but I think it was around 13 months before he showed any real interest. Lately I've had a large sheet of paper masking taped to the fridge at all times, and he draws on there. He seems to like that way more than sitting at a table.