Henry, one day old.
It breaks my heart. How fleeting these moments of his little life are. How fast he changes, and grows every day. How in a few short months I will hardly be able to believe that he was once so tiny. I am trying to take in and savor every moment. As each one passes to the next. Sigh.
Oh that second photo is beautiful, what an expression. How can they be so young but still look like they can read you perfectly?! Congratulations :)
ReplyDeleteWhat an adorable little man!
ReplyDeleteI know, I cried a bit the day Alice tuned 28 days (according to what I read, you are not a newborn after 28 days...you are an infant). Too fast...it goes too fast!!! Take care xox
How very sweet! He is a tiny presh!
ReplyDeletebirth story! birth story!
ReplyDeleteHe's so sweet, james.
so precious! such gorgeous eyes!!
ReplyDeleteI spy with my little eye... BEN EYES! Has his color come in yet? L's are still greyish that sometimes look like they're going to be brown, and sometimes look green.
ReplyDeleteI KNOW. xox
ReplyDeleteHe's so cute!
It's the hardest thing. But such a sweet feeling, too.
ReplyDeleteThis post is motherhood, for me.